Monday 21 March 2011


good advice.
maybe if i'd listened earlier i wouldn't be here.
but that's just the trouble with me.
i give myself very good advice
but i very seldom follow it.
that explains the trouble that i'm always in.
'be patient'
is very good advice
but the waiting makes me curious.
and i'd love the change should something strange begin.
well i went along my merry way
and i never stopped to reason.
i should've known there'd be a price to pay some day.
i give myself very good advice
but i very seldom follow it.
will i ever learn to do the things i should?

- alice in wonderland -

i've never been lost in a wood
with birds that cry.
you probably haven't either.
but i have been lost in other more metaphorically-shaped places.
and what i have learnt from alice & life is that
someone else should be on hand for all important decisions
(and some of the not important decisions as well)
to make sure that i get out of those metaphorical woods.
and home in time for dinner.

i struggle to make a decision in a food court.
i always feel like i know what i want.
but then i ignore the first voice of wisdom
and i choose something else instead.
usually something a bit weirder. 
a bit more greasy.
a bit less appropriate.

i definitely should not be left alone with life
or i will always end up buying the chicken macaroni 
(claggy & orange)
from the indian takeaway shop.

i would trust this owl to sit on my shoulder
and help me with the decision making.
he would make me listen a bit harder to the first voice
and ignore all the other ones.
because the first voice is nearly always right.
but the last voice is always the one i follow.

i just go along my merry way.
and i never stop to reason.
not until it's too late, anyway.

will i ever learn to do the things i should?
says alice.

the end.

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