Tuesday 8 March 2011

the statesman

interesting fact for the day?
there are at least sixteen amateur superheroes
fighting crime under the cover of darkness
across britain today.

introducing birmingham's masked crusader
(and my new favourite human) 
"the statesman"

the facts:
 scott cooke
twenty six years old
sixteen stone
drives a fiat punto
works for a bank doing things with savings and investments
tells his girlfriend keri that he is playing poker on the 
four nights a week that he gets busy doing his bit to 
fix the world

says the statesman:
"the statesman is an ambassador. 
he’s a diplomat. 
and he’s somebody who delivers a message. 
something that’s meaningful and something that's positive.

i've read comics all my life.
i'm a life long geek.
and i don't want to live in a world where there are 
muggers and rapists.
i want to live in a world where there are cool superheroes running around doing nice things for people."

the statesman's arsenal:
first aid kit
torch to startle burglars
notepad and sharpie to write down important information
mobile phone to call the police
black zorro mask and glue

"the whole point of going out there in the short term, it’s just to try and help anybody. 
i mean there isn’t a criteria. 
most of the time i seem to spend my time 
helping guys who live rough, people who live on the streets, giving them some aid, 
giving them some help and support 
that they either don’t want or don’t know how to find by themselves."

"i'm there to help anybody that i can help. 
if there's a broken down car, if there's a runaway dog, 
if there's people being hassled by drunks at kicking out time. anything that i can do that is useful, 
that will make somebody happier, 
that’s what i'm there to do."

what i don't understand, statesman,
is the reaction to you in the media.
people throwing around words like 'vigilante' 
and 'fruitcake' 
and 'naive loser' 
and 'tubby ginger bloke who dresses like he's in the BNP'.
general consensus seems to be
that it's only a matter of time before you get stabbed
by a drug dealer,
and that when you do,
and you're bleeding inconveniently all over the streets
(and wasting the time and resources of
police and paramedics -  
the professional superheroes with proper uniforms)
 you'll only be getting what's coming to you.


as far as i can tell
you spend most of your time giving out bread and blankets
and hugging homeless people.
so who are we to laugh
and call you names
and dismiss you as a lunatic
just because you choose to do these noble things in a funny outfit?

homeless receiver of a blanket and a hug says: 
"I like the idea of the statesman going out and helping 
and putting things about and stuff like that. 
yeah I think its cool."

way cool!

because i too want to live in a world where there are superheroes running around doing nice things for people
in the middle of the night.
so keep it up, statesman.
you're excellent.
and i'll leave the last word to you.

"the only way that we're ever gonna have 
the world we want
is just for everybody to take some 
responsibility for that."

(sources - the sun and the daily mail.
they printed it so it must be true.)

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